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Zadanie „Utrzymanie systemu antyplagiatowego
finansowane w ramach umowy
950/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki
i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych
na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

Cluster format for arranging and implementing industrial policy

Data dodania: 2015-10-01
Obszar tematyczny: Otwarte innowacje
Typ: Artykuły
Nazwa czasopisma Acta Innovations
Numer czasopisma 17
Numery stron 30-40



The article investigates cluster approach to arrange economic policy in world countries. Cluster implication is discussed as a formation with its specifics and main characteristics. Cluster policy contents, essence, goals, types and differences are reviewed. Practical implementation of cluster policy in leading European countries is researched; problems and achieved results are determined. The problem of identifying and building up cluster formations is debated. Challenges and prospects for creating territorial clusters are determined together with cluster policy implementation in Ukraine as well as public and regional policy in supporting clusters’ develop-ment is reviewed. The article proves that public authority bodies’ activities in the sphere of cluster model implementation for Ukrainian industry development should be directed on activating the government role in cluster formation on the basis of public-private partnership as well as on creating favorable macro-economic, information and legal-regulatory environment to develop cluster-type business networks.

Słowa kluczowe / Tagi

Słowa kluczowe: industrial policy, economic policy, cluster, cluster policy, cluster approach

Pliki do pobrania / Linki
