HR Excellence in Research
Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia (RIC) is committed to maintaining the highest level of research, experimental development and implementation of research results. The basis of identity and the success of our Centre are values such as innovation, interdisciplinarity, independence, transparency, professionalism, attention to quality, and diligence. Therefore, the signing of the declaration of support for the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers was both the means to fulfil the mission of the Centre, as well as the application of the recommendations of the European Commission. RIC fully recognises the need to create attractive working conditions so that the scientists employed by the Centre are motivated to work actively both in the domestic and foreign research environment, and that the Centre is seen by potential international scientists as a strategic partner for cooperation and an attractive place to work. Thus, RIC will be able to create strong new research teams and use modern research infrastructure to improve the quality of research and experimental development, as well as increase international competitiveness. Therefore, RIC will accomplish its mission and implement its development strategy.
Actions done so far:
- The HRS4R process engages everybody in RIC. It is managed personally by RIC's President, leading a Task Force consisting of representatives of researchers at all career development stages as well as administrative staff (including Head of the Management Board Office). No separate Overseeing Committee or Implementation Working Group was created as the Task Force is responsible also for controlling and the strategy implementation.
- In September 2016, the endorsement of the Charter and Code was made. After preliminary gap analysis with participation of RIC's researchers and drafting of the first version of the action plan, RIC's application was submitted to the European Commission (EC).
- In February 2017, RIC received several useful recommendations from the EURAXESS Rights team on how to improve our approach to the HRS4R process.
- In July 2017, the European Commission invited RIC to proceed with resubmission of the application by the end of March 2018.
- Between October 2017 and February 2018, basing on the feedback from the consensus report received from the EC, to re-examine the gaps and update the Action Plan, the Task Force performed in-depth interviews with representatives of RIC’s researchers at all career development stages. The consultations with all researchers at RIC were finalized with the collaborative workshop on 20.03.2018 to review the findings with the participation of all members of the Staff. All of the employees were invited, so that their influence on the Strategy could be maximised. All 40 articles of the Code and the Charter were discussed in detail during the workshop and all participants (70% of the staff were present) were given space to point out the fields for improvement in current RIC’s HR practice. Furthermore, all of the employees, both present and absent at the workshop, were able to submit their improvement ideas by e-mail.
- In March 2018, RIC renewed its endorsement of the Charter and Code according to the "EC's Strengthened Process". On 27.03.2018, the European Commission acknowledged our renewed endorsement.
- On 30th March 2018, the updated application (along with the updated Gap analysis and HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers) was re-submitted to the European Commission.
- On 21st August 2018, the European Commission awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo to RIC Pro-Akademia. We joined the elite group of 412 scientific institutions across the EU, which were awarded this distinction (as of 21/08/2018).
- In June 2020, RIC has published its Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment Policy.
- In September 2020, the Task Force (involving: Dr. Ewa Kochańska, Dr. Maria Buła, Monika Stojan, M.A. and Katarzyna Korczak, M.Sc., Eng.) has completed an Internal Review for Interim Assessment. The results of the Internal Review have been passed to the European Commission. As a result of the Internal Review, RIC's HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers have been updated and published (available for download below).
- In January 2024, the Task Force (involving: Dr. Ewa Kochańska, Dr. Maria Buła, Anna Zaborska, Katarzyna Korczak, M.Sc., Eng. and Dr. Maksymilian Kochański) has completed an Internal Review for Award Renewal The results of the Internal Review have been passed to the European Commission. As a result of the Internal Review, RIC's HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers have been updated and published (available for download below). RIC's updated Gender Equality Plan was also published (available below).
Important documents:
- The initial version of HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers (March 2018)
- Updated HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers (September 2020)
- Updated HR Strategy and Action Plan for Researchers (January 2024)
- Gender Equality Plan (in Polish)
- Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment Policy at RIC Pro-Akademia
Further information: