CBI Pro-Akademia

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dr inż. Maksymilian Kochański

Area reasearchSocial studies, Engineering and technology
Scientific area:Engineering and technology, Social studies
Scientific discipline:Environmental engineering, mining and energy, Economics and finance
Languages:English, Polish, French, Russian


Dr. Kochański received his undergraduate degrees in economics from Warsaw School of Economics (WSE) and in power engineering from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), graduate degrees in finance from WSE and in sustainable energy engineering from WUT (summa cum laude), and a PhD from WUT, based on his thesis on big data analytics in building energy management systems within smart grids. 

For his “record of testing his theories in practical experiments and his innovative approach to improving energy sustainability”, he received the Green Talents Award from German Federal Minister of Education and Research. He was also awarded several international scholarships to perform interdisciplinary research at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia), Northeastern Illinois University (USA), Technical University of Denmark, RWTH Aachen (Germany), and University of Alberta (Canada).

At the national level, Dr. Kochański has chaired several evaluation committees of the Smart Growth Operational Growth Programme appointed by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development. At EU level, Dr. Kochański assists the European Commission and its Research Executive Agency in evaluating R&D proposals under Horizon Europe.

A permanent member of RIC Pro-Akademia’s team since 2012, he has served as project manager in over 20 national and international R&I projects. Since 2017, he is the Vice President of RIC Pro-Akademia.

His scientific interests concern big data analytics applications in energy efficiency, impact studies, smart grids, sustainable energy, energy economics, and behavioral determinants of energy efficiency.

Expert in projects

Wartość dodana Europejskiej Współpracy Terytorialnej dla rozwoju regionalnego Polski w kontekście planowania polityki spójności

European Collaborative and Regional Open Innovation Strategies

Open Information processing within Innovation Networks - InfoPro

Bioenergia dla Regionu - Badanie Zarządzania Zmianą Gospodarczą

Analizy eko-energetyczne dla gmin województwa świętokrzyskiego

Promotion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe

Przedstawiciel handlowy w branży OZE zawodem przyszłości

Zintegrowany Program Modernizacji Branży Tekstylnej i Odzieżowej Województwa Łódzkiego

Test of Digital Services for Buildings Energy Efficiency

Doradztwo KSI KSU dla innowacyjnych

Analizy i ekspertyzy dotyczące sporządzania i oceny Krajowego Planu Działań dotyczącego efektywności energetycznej

Przetestowanie i wdrożenie usługi pilotażowej w zakresie zarządzania efektywnością energetyczną przedsiębiorstw

Zintegrowana Platforma Informacyjna Centrum Transferu Technologii w obszarze OZE

Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Prószków City

Efficiency of energy clusters in Visegrad Region

Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Konstantynow Lodzki City

Step by step commitments for energy savings

Sustainable Energy Action Plan for City of Olkusz

Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Zdunska Wola City

Carbon Neutral Courier Services

Financing Environment and Energy Efficiency development in Schools

KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society

Strengthening clusters Management Activities and Running Transnational actions for NZEB

New trends in energy demand modeling

Design and implementation of non-alcoholic gruit beer

Channel-based biosensors to support precision agriculture (...)

nZEB Ready
Enhancing market readiness for nZEB implementation

Engaging citizens in food diversity in cities

From Niche to Centre - City Centres as Places of Circular Lifestyles

Co-creating Resilient Food Systems for Central and Eastern Europe

REshaping Central Euope IndUstry Sustainability through circular Economy models by 2030

Member of project teams

Bioenergia dla Regionu - Badanie Zarządzania Zmianą Gospodarczą

Promotion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe

Budowa Centrum Transferu Technologii w obszarze Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii

Innowacje - Środowisko - Energetyka. Zamień myślenie na wdrożenie!

Lodzkie of Energy

Naukowcy dla gospodarki Mazowsza

Turyzm dla Regionu – Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Doktorantów

Zintegrowana Platforma Informacyjna Centrum Transferu Technologii w obszarze OZE

Zintegrowany Program Modernizacji Branży Tekstylnej i Odzieżowej Województwa Łódzkiego

