CBI Pro-Akademia


Date added: 2017-01-02
Type: Article

Author / authors

Karina Michalska

Karina Michalska

Engineering and technology

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Fish and seafood production has grown steadily in the past five decades. Total world fisheries and aquaculture production reached 167.2 million tonnes in 2014 [1]. Intensive fish production triggers growth in the amount of waste processing, which has serious environmental impacts. Utilization and energy recovery from fish waste have become areas of interest for the global economy. Specialized methods and techniques have been developed to acquire biomethane, biodiesel and biofertilizer from fish biomass. Also, using physical, biochemical and thermochemical processes, relevant substances (such as fish protein hydrolysate, natural pigments, chitosan and collagen) can be obtained.

Keywords / Tags

Key words: fish waste uses, fish waste management, biogas, collagen, chitosan

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