CBI Pro-Akademia

Analysis of selected risk factors in trade fair decisions of exhibitors

Date added: 2019-10-01
Type: Article
Languages: English

Author / authors

Anita Proszowska

Anita Proszowska

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In the process of managing participation in fairs, a long-term vision, taking into account a number of non-financial dimensions of the assessment, makes it more complex and risky and, consequently it requires more attention. The article presents the parameters of the process of managing participation in fairs by the exhibitors studied, analyses the relationships between them and identifies key risk factors in trade fairs activity of exhibitors. The article describes the respondents' behaviours in the studied area and highlights the importance of non-financial elements determining the readiness of exhibitors to participate in the fair. The decisions to participate in fairs are more and more often made based, for example, on the assessment of cooperation with organizers. The possibility of achieving non-sales goals during the event is also becoming more and more important, even if the company has difficulty assessing the degree of their implementation.



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