CBI Pro-Akademia

Using alternative sources of methane for energy as a method of environmental protection and improvement of economy (...)

Date added: 2019-10-01
Type: Article
Languages: English

Author / authors

Aleksander Iwaszczuk

Aleksander Iwaszczuk

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Natalia Iwaszczuk

Natalia Iwaszczuk

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Myroslava Mylenka

Myroslava Mylenka

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The article analyses the types of waste generated in economy and the possibilities of their management,on the example of Poland. The main focus was on using selected types of waste for methane production. The impact of the decomposing mass of organic waste on the production of greenhouse gases was examined and various types of biogas plants operating in Poland were presented (biogas plants at landfills, biogas plants at sewage treatment plants, agricultural biogas plants). The article also presents the benefits for the economy from the use of methane from methane drainage. Unfortunately, in Poland, methane resources are used to a small extent. In the case of mines, landfills or sewage treatment plants it is related to high costs of constructing methane capture installations, which are not offset by revenues from sales of gas and green certificates. Although much more favourable blue certificates have been introduced for agricultural biogas plants, the obstacle standing in the way of their progress is the lack of local spatial development plans for the places designated for their construction.






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