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The EU’s farm to fork strategy: missing links for transformation

Date added: 2020-12-07
Type: Article
Languages: English

Author / authors

Sinead Mowlds

Sinead Mowlds

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The Farm-to-Fork strategy, launched in May 2020, is the first attempt at a European-wide approach to food systems of this scale. The strategy sets ambitious targets and aims to create a ‘fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system’. Yet, within the bounds of its own regulatory and legislative context (including the Green Deal, the Circular Economy Action Plan and the new Biodiversity Strategy 2030), the strategy falls short of recognising key links in and between the food system. This review posits that the strategy and its targets do not adequately consider the importance of transforming agricultural practices for environmental outcomes; of agricultural practices for nutrition outcomes; nor the links between how we value nutrition along the supply chain, from farm to fork.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32933/ActaInnovations.36.2

Keywords / Tags

Key words: food systems, food security, green deal, european union, nutrition, agriculture

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