CBI Pro-Akademia

Prospects for the development of innovative nano- and biotechnologies

Date added: 2019-07-01
Type: Article

Author / authors

Nadiia Bielikova

Nadiia Bielikova

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Ivan Yaroshenko

Ivan Yaroshenko

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Nano- and biotechnologies are the key elements of the complex of NBIC-technologies, developed within the concept of continuous growth of innovations in the context of the transition to the sixth technological mode. The purpose of the article is to study the prospects for the development of nano- and biotechnologies in various sectors of the economy, as well as explore opportunities for accelerating the commercialization of research results in these areas. The article’s relevance is confirmed by the strengthening of the role of nano- and biotechnologies in the sphere of innovation development of countries worldwide. The results of the study have shown that the nanotechnology market has a divergent structure, and the basic characteristic of nanoproducts is their interdisciplinary nature. The world leaders in the production and commercialization of nanotechnologies are the United States, China, Japan, Germany and South Korea. Biotechnologies are developing rapidly as well. Worldwide, the largest number of biotechnologies is created in areas such as health care (biomedicine and biopharmaceuticals), industry and agriculture. The leading countries in the field of development and commercialization of biotechnologies are the United States, France, Germany and South Korea.



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