CBI Pro-Akademia

Tourism in strategic documents of local selfgovernment bodies of the Łódź voivodeship and Norwegian good practices in to

Date added: 2012-10-01
Type: Article
Languages: Polish

Author / authors


The article consists of three components. The first part has theoretical character and explains key words as “strategy”, “development strategy” and “strategy of the development of tourism”. It also gives some short characteristic of development strategy construction process. Legal grounds of creating concept papers in the area of tourism were also discussed. In addition, important documents which have meaning for creating the strategy of the development of tourism on the district and commune level were briefly characterised. In the second part authors make an attempt to determine the place of tourism in concept papers of commune selfgovernments and districts of the Lodz province. A strategy of the development of tourism was analyzed in details on the example of Belchatow city and commune. As a summary of the analytical part of the article, authors pointed some common mistakes in analyzed concept papers. Among them there are: the lack of indicating sources of financing planned actions in the development of tourism, the lack of analysis of outside and foreign markets. In addition, in many documents there were no world and domestic trends in tourism analyzes, and only few proposals about new, original tourist products. In concept papers authors also indicate the most significant mistakes like lack of regional ideas for tourism industry cooperation and for creating promotional strategies of the given area. The last part of the article was devoted to analyze “best practices” of the tourism management in the Norwegian Oppland county. The review of chosen methods and directions of managing the tourism in Norway was conducted to find some examples which can be simply used in the Lodz province.

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