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Can titanium anodization lead to the formation of antimicrobial surfaces?

Date added: 2017-12-30

Pages: 21-27


Aleksandra Jastrzębska, Krzysztof Jastrzębski, Witold Jakubowski


In recent years, there has been observed a growing need for novel, multifunctional materials that would not only replace, but also heal the damaged tissues. In this paper, the titanium dioxide films manufactured by anodic oxidation method are investigated. The study of their structurization and antimicrobial properties of the coatings is presented. Samples anodized in water solutions of ethylene glycol exhibited various character -from structurized to porous ones. As the study revealed, all samples acted anti-adhesive in terms of bacterial (Escherichia coli) and fungal (Candida albicans) surface colonisation.



Ti6Al4V, anodic oxidation, antimicrobial properties
