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Factors contributing and promoting Open Innovation in Indian female-owned Food Processing SMEs- Prioritizing through the AHP technique

Article history: Received 29 September 2021, Received in revised form 2 October 2021, Accepted 5 October 2021, Available online 5 October 2021

Pages: 28-41


Supriya Lamba Sahdev, Gurinder Singh, Navleen Kaur


The prime motivation behind this investigation is to recognize and organize the different factors connected to Open Innovation in the already up and running from last five years Indian female owned SMEs in Food Processing Industry. Fifteen Indian female owners were chosen. An AHP system was utilized to examine the weight of basic elements leading towards Open Innovation. All things considered, the respondents organized advancement technique, opportunity acknowledgment, money and inspiration as the principle criteria that leads to Open Innovation in Indian females owned SMEs in Food Processing. COVID-19, gender gap, raising inner and outer funds were likewise observed as a hindrance ladies face that usually would keep them away from innovative tasks performed for business. The result of this examination is giving policymakers in India food for thought regarding the significance of the factors connected to development of Indian female owned SMEs in Food Processing Industry and will be able to move towards sustainable development goals- Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and Goal 5 (gender equality) which is required for the economic development of the country. This will assist them with systemizing and organizing the basic, advancement of open innovation factors in Indian female owned Food Processing SMEs, which will give a boost to the contribution of Indian females in the financial development of India, which a developing country currently.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32933/ActaInnovations.41.3


open innovation; India; SMEs; female owned Food Processing SMEs; AHP
