Forming the area of unacceptable values of the parameters of vessels’ movement for the vessels’ divergence at remote control process
Article history: Received 19 January 2022, Received in revised form 1 May 2022, Accepted 1 May 2022, Available online 4 May 2022
pages: 5-17
Igor Burmaka, Igor Vorokhobin, Mykyta Vorokhobin, Iryna Zhuravska
Navigation traffic and the danger of collision are steadily increasing. Features of navigation in narrow corridors (water, air, etc.) require the development of modern methods for assessing the situation of convergence and the choice of maneuvering divergence of vessels. A method is proposed for forming the area of inadmissible values of the parameters of the movement of any vehicles (including marine) with remote control of the process of their divergence. Situations are considered when a collision of sea vessels can be avoided only by changing the speed in case such vessels cannot change course. The proposed method can be generalized to any environment of navigation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32933/ActaInnovations.44.1
navigation safety; collision avoidance; divergence maneuver; area of unacceptable values of vessels’ movement parameters