CBI Pro-Akademia


Making a path to "Excellent Nuts and Seeds"


Together with Bakalland SA, we are developing a new technology of nuts and seeds processing, which will enable the creation of food products with unique nutritional features. more

What are barriers of financing energy efficiency?


Together with the City of Warsaw we organised a World Café workshop about barriers of financing energy efficiency in schools more

Innovations in circular economy in Brazil


The first stage of the FiWastEnergy project is behind us. Our experts completed their mission as part of the Low Carbon Business Action Brasil program. more

KETBIO - the biotech booster from research to business


We work on a novel service that checks market potential of biotech research projects more

RIC Pro-Akademia on COP24


RIC Pro-Akademia presented on COP24 in Katowice, Poland the Polish experience in the evaluation of energy efficiency programmes more

Energy from fish waste – an opportunity for Brazilian industry


FiWastEnergy is a new project of RIC Pro-Akademia, dedicated to the Brazilian fish processing industry. Together with partners from Brazil, we're developing a dedicated technology for the use of fish waste for energy purposes. more
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