CBI Pro-Akademia


KETBIO - the biotech booster from research to business


We work on a novel service that checks market potential of biotech research projects more

RIC Pro-Akademia on COP24


RIC Pro-Akademia presented on COP24 in Katowice, Poland the Polish experience in the evaluation of energy efficiency programmes more

Energy from fish waste – an opportunity for Brazilian industry


FiWastEnergy is a new project of RIC Pro-Akademia, dedicated to the Brazilian fish processing industry. Together with partners from Brazil, we're developing a dedicated technology for the use of fish waste for energy purposes. more

For the environment do your best – offset the rest


Pro-Akademia participated in the POL-ECO SYSTEM International Trade Fair for Environmental Protection more

For the sake of agriculture development, food security and climate


Pro-Akademia participated in meeting of the Facce Surplus programme in Düsseldorf. more

We are Crossref Member!


RIC Pro-Akademia became an official member of Crossref, a not-for-profit membership organization that exists to make scholarly communications better. more
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