Can schools in Europe operate in nearly Zero Energy Buildings?
On October 9-10, 2018 in Warsaw, CBI Pro-Akademia together with the City of Warsaw as partners of the FEEDSCHOOLS project partners organized the third meeting of the entire consortium. The following partners participated in the meeting:
- Lead partner: ENEA (Italy)
- PP 2 ENVIROS (Czech Republic)
- PP 3 PRO-ACADEMIA (Poland)
- PP 4 ZMVA (Hungary)
- PP 5 LEASP (Slovenia)
- PP 6 City of Udine (Italy)
- PP 7 Capital City of Warsaw (Poland)
- PP 8 City Bistrica (Slovenia)
- PP 10 HEP ESCO (Croatia)
- PP 11 GEA (Austria)
All the project partners were greeted by the President of the City of Warsaw, prof. Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the research conducted by experts of RIC Pro-Akademia from the Energy Efficiency and E-mobility Laboratory in an international team composed of engineers, financiers and representatives of local governments to develop a set of tools supporting the renovation of school buildings and their transformation into nearly zero-energy buildings. As part of the FEEDSCHOOLS project, three tools will be created for local authorities, thanks to which it will be possible to implement deep renovation of public buildings on a large scale:
- The technical application will enable identification of innovative solutions, implementation of which in a given building will allow to achieve the nearly zero-energy building standard (nZEB).
- The financial application will indicate optimal financing models, with the assumption of minimizing expenditures of the local authorities.
- Online database on innovative best practices in the field of building renovation to the nZEB standard.
All tools will be placed on an integrated Internet platform and will be available in the Open Source formula. The developed tools will be tested in six cities participating in the project, including Warsaw.
During the meeting, RIC Pro-Akademia experts presented the results of previous work carried out under the project and presented the details of work for the coming months as a part of the work package focusing on the pilot activities in 55 schools located in six Central European countries, which is coordinated by RIC Pro-Akademia.
More information about the project can be found on the project website.
The FEEDSCHOOLS project is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 Programme