Fourth meeting within InfoPro project
The overall goal of InfoPro is to initiate an intensive exchange of experiences concerning information processing within the participating networks as well as a dissemination of these best practices to external innovation networks. The aim is to improve the innovation support for all networks’ members through a more efficient management of knowledge and know-how at the network’s level. InfoPro aims at fostering open innovation and competitiveness through a fair access to relevant knowledge and know-how as well as through the support in the establishment of collaborations to bring innovations on the market. The project will facilitate and promote the ability of the participating networks to support their members to innovate in a more effective way and in an open way with the most relevant partners in their regions or in the partner regions.
On the first day a workshop, where participants had chance to familiarize themselves with best practices from Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Hungary was organized. Moreover this meeting was an occasion to discuss different actions that most effectively contributes to innovativeness development in regional and European context.
Later that day our partners had chance to participate in Lodz Design Festival. More information’s about that event can be found at
On second day our guests were invited to attend expert panel within the framework of Action Kreativity organized by Art Factory. There different aspects and approaches towards incubation and support for the startups in European Union. After presentations a vivid discussion regarding role of enterprises, universities and governmental administration in supporting young creative people arose.