German experience with Open Innovation
Meeting started with conference that was held at University of Stuttgart. Leading topic was the meaning of innovation and its application in different aspects of economy, industry and everyday live.
After a short coffee break work shop part begin. Participants had chance to familiarize with different aspects and phases of creating environment that would support development of Open Innovation within their company. This meeting also allowed exchanging experiences between participants which induced vivid discussion.
The overall goal of InfoPro is to initiate an intensive exchange of experiences concerning information processing within the participating networks as well as a dissemination of these best practices to external innovation networks. The aim is to improve the innovation support for all networks’ members through a more efficient management of knowledge and know-how at the network’s level. InfoPro aims at fostering open innovation and competitiveness through a fair access to relevant knowledge and know-how as well as through the support in the establishment of collaborations to bring innovations on the market. The project will facilitate and promote the ability of the participating networks to support their members to innovate in a more effective way and in an open way with the most relevant partners in their regions or in the partner regions.