CBI Pro-Akademia


Green transformation


Project FrontSH1P: A FRONTrunner approach to Systemic circular, Holistic & Inclusive solutions for a new Paradigm of territorial circular economy has started

The aim is to ensure green and just transition of the Polish Region of Lodz towards decarbonization and territorial regeneration via demonstration of highly replicable circular systemic models in operational conditions. The aim is to create a territorial cluster of circular initiatives to accelerate the transition to a more green, resilient economy, able to provide sustainable responses to the need of the involved regions.

The proposed model will be implemented and demonstrated in Region of Lodz, where key territorial partners, and particularly the Regional Institution, the scientific partner, the representative of civil society and Industry Groups, will play a relevant role in promoting, facilitating and enabling systemics and circular economy at regional scale. The involvement of those relevant actors will allow the promotion of the circular economy and to reach relevant actors, such as municipalities, companies, consumers and civil society, which will be engaged in a participatory approach to collect needs and perceived constraints.

RIC Team is responsible for creation of methodology and set of tools for support regional transition into to a circular economy taking into account various types of local sources of waste as raw materials for re-processing, re-using, re-cycling and up-cycling.