Polish Product of the Future
Upon the request of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, we have evaluated the projects in the Polish Product of the Future Contest.
In August this year, 24 projects submitted by scientific entities, enterprises and consortia to the 18th edition of the Polish Product of the Future Contest, were subjected to evaluation by Pro-Akademia.
Scientific entities, entrepreneurs and consortia: scientific entity – entrepreneurs from EU could take part in the Contest.
The Contest is conducted in three categories :
- product of the future of a scientific entity,
- product of the future of an entrepreneur,
- product of the future of a consortium: scientific entity – entrepreneur.
The “Polish Product of the Future” prize and distinctions are awarded for a proposal of a new and innovative product, which project:
- is most advanced on its way to implementation works (non-implemented product),
- has been implemented into production practice – within 12 to 21 months prior to the submission date – (implemented project).
The winners of the “Polish Product of the Future” Contest receive a statue, a diploma, the right to use the symbol and name of “Polish Product of the Future” in correspondence and promotion as well as support for the product promotion.
Apart from the above prizes, the Contest Organizer provides also special prizes:
- for a project submitted by a spin-off,
- for a ICT project,
- for a project in eco-innovation or other area which will be identified in the evaluation process of the submitted solutions.
The aim of the Contest, organized under the honorable patronage of the Minister of Economy, is to promote and publicize the creators of innovative products (goods and technologies) which have the chance to enter the Polish market. The laureates will be announced at the beginning of December.