Prestigious "HR Excellence in Research" logo for RIC Pro-Akademia
The European Commission awarded the prestigious HR Excellence in Research logo to RIC Pro-Akademia. We joined the elite group of 412 scientific institutions across the EU, which were awarded this distinction (as of 22/08/2018).
Benefits for CBI Pro-Akademia resulting from the HR logo:
- distinction for RIC Pro-Akademia as an institution creating the best working conditions for scientists in the implementation of scientific or research and development (R&D) activities, in line with European standards;
- increase in the attractiveness of employment in the Center, creating a friendly scientific work environment and respecting transparent rules when recruiting employees;
- the right to place advertisements on the European EURAXESS researchers recruitment platform.
The HR Excellence in Research logo is one of the activities of the European Commission as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers strategy, aimed at increasing the attractiveness of working conditions and career development of researchers in the EU. It is also a distinction for institutions operating in the sphere of R&D, which implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers and create a friendly working and development environment. The Charter and the Code describe the rights and obligations to which both researchers and their employing institutions are subject. The documents outline the need to create good and stable working conditions for researchers at every stage of their professional path. The organisations receiving the logo commit themselves to creating such working conditions, career development and transparent recruitment processes.