CBI Pro-Akademia


Supporting mechanical industry companies in implementing circular practices


On June 1, 2024, we launched a new project named REUSE2030: REshaping Central Euope IndUstry Sustainability through circular Economy models by 2030. The project aims to accelerate the transformation of the mechanical sector in Central Europe towards a circular economy (CE) model.

Central European countries have achieved significant success in developing a technologically advanced mechanical sector, including the production of machinery and equipment. However, the industry in this region recycles less than 11% of its resources, leading to considerable negative environmental impacts. The REUSE2030 project aims to increase the adoption of CE principles by the mechanical sector in Central Europe through the introduction of innovative tools and instruments supporting the implementation of CE models in both production and product usage phases. As a result of the project, differences in the availability of CE services and tools between countries in the region will be reduced, and waste streams in the mechanical sector will be minimized.

Partners of the REUSE2030 project will develop and implement two key tools:

  • Digital Circular Inventory and App – a tool supporting companies in identifying appropriate CE solutions based on the type of waste produced.
  • Zero Carbon Tool Kit – a tool enabling producers to assess the carbon footprint of their products and identify opportunities for sustainable design and production optimization.

Both tools will allow companies to autonomously choose sustainable solutions and CE processes, making them more accessible to enterprises, research institutions, and universities in the region.

The REUSE2030 project is being implemented in cooperation with research organizations, universities, business support institutions, chambers of commerce, competence centers, and development agencies from nine Central European countries: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Italy.

The implementation of the REUSE2030 project will contribute to reducing waste streams from the mechanical sector and bridging the gap in the availability of CE solutions in different Central European countries. The project supports the transformation of the mechanical industry towards more sustainable development, in line with the recommendations of the EU's New Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe.

We invite you to follow the progress of the REUSE2030 roject and join our efforts towards a sustainable future!


The REUSE2030 project is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2021-2027.