Update on InfoPro progress
On June 19 2012, InfoPro project consortium, PROUD lead partner and some students from TU/e have participated in the workshop. Ms. Alexandra Brzozowski, project manager from InfoPro first introduced InfoPro project to the audience. Mrs. Ingrid van de Wacht, project manager from PROUD introduced Capital D and PROUD to audience. During the workshop the participants visited the exhibition and get an first impression of different design concepts related to information processing in open innovation projects. They further categorized different design concepts according to their ability to support information processing in open innovation projects. The objective was to identify the common characteristics and derive recommendations for best practices based on experiences from Eindhoven. InfoPro Partner meeting was held at the end of the afternoon in which the project consortium discussed the project progress reporting for previous reporting period, project progress now and planning for the coming period. It was agreed that the similar workshop done earlier would be executed in Stuttgart and Lodz in the upcoming project meetings.
On June 20 2012 a symposium was organized to share and disseminate the early workshop results to interested companies, design professionals and policy maker. Dr. Oscar Tomico gave a presentation first to discuss the background of the earlier workshop and the workshop participants also presented the workshop results to the audience. After the presentation, a tour was organized to visit company Seat2Meet ( who practice open innovation and open innovation network Little Mountain ( for creative industries in the Strijp S area. Ms. Alexandra Brzozowski presented Central Europe ACCESS project during lunchtime. The participants had also opportunity to visit the exhibition and the exhibition was officially opened in the afternoon at the end of the symposium.