CBI Pro-Akademia


XIII Bioenergy for the Region Cluster Forum


Marshal of Lodzkie Region, Mr. Witold Stępień, Vice-President of Łódź-City, Mr. Marek Cieślak and Member of Energy Commission in Polish Sejm, Member of Sejm, Mrs. Elżbieta Królikowska-Kińska opened the Forum with short presentatios of priorities in energy policy in the country, region and city. In the meeting members of European Commission's Advisory Board in Horizon 2020, representatives of Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) and invited guests took part.

The aim of XIII Cluster's Bioenergy for the Region Forum was presentation of product, technical, financial and organizational innovations in relation to normal business activities and new programme Horizon 2020. The Cluster's Forums give a chance for companies, scientists and local authorities to build cooperation and exchange information and experiences. Inner workshops for Cluster members are a unique possibility do sum up, present chances and set up goals for the nearest future.

Cluster's Bioenergy for the Region offer is addressed for the entities which are interested in sustainable development and environmentally sustainable energy. Cluster members have access to the knowledge and unique solutions which are built in partnerships, but also work actively for the development of Lodzkie Region. Detailed information on Bioenergy for the Region Cluster can be found on webpage: www.bioenergiadlaregionu.eu.