Zero-emission inland transport already in Kaszuby
"Zero-emission motorized inland waterway transport" is a project developed by RIC Pro-Akademia for a private enterprise in the tourist branch - Rental Marina in Wdydze Kiszewskie. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Smarth Growth Operational Program - Sub-measure 2.3.2 Vouchers for innovation for SMEs.
The aim of the project is to implement a completely new service in Poland, consisting of pro-ecological motor water transport for a group of about 60 tourists. The ship for which the Research and Innovation Center Pro-Akademia has designed a zero-emission drive using photovoltaic and high-tech energy storage technologies has a mass of about 25 tonnes and is characterized by much better technical parameters than traditional propulsion boats when it comes to efficiency, torque and noise emissions.
"Stolem" is an innovative form of transport, which allows navigation in the waters with environmental constraints that ban the movement of traditional propulsion boats, that are present within the limits of Wdzydze Landscape Park, allowing the wide audience to spend time in ecologicall manner. The quiet drive of the boat, and therefore the possibility of uninterrupted admiring the sounds of nature, enables to experience of new quality in inland waterway navigation, which undoubtedly has a positive influence on attracting tourists attention to such innovative solutions.
We invite you to take a look at our short photo gallery from the tests of our prototype systems below!