CBI Pro-Akademia

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The proposed research project develops an innovative plasma electrolytic application as a new, highly efficient renewable hydrogen-generating method. To increase the hydrogen productivity and power efficiency of the plasma electrolysis process, which is also referred to as contact glow discharge electrolysis (CGDE), four possible ways are proposed. These are: (1) using CO2 and its dissociation product CO as a catalyst (so-called CO2 catalysis); (2) a hybrid approach combining CGDE with subsequent catalytic reactions of the active species formed on the catalyst surface; (3) use of a graphite glow discharge electrode; and (4) realization of the CGDE of water in vacuum conditions. In CO2 catalysis, a significant rise in power efficiency is predicted. In the hybrid approach, the synergetic effect of non-equilibrium discharges and the catalyst resulting in a higher water vapor conversion rate in the CGDE is expected. On the application of graphite as a glow discharge electrode material, an increase in the electrode durability and a rise in hydrogen productivity through the interaction of carbon/carbon monoxide with water vapor are expected. Realization of CGDE in vacuum conditions will lead to a decrease in water vapor decomposition potential and increase in CGDE power efficiency. The research project will result in plasma electrolytic hydrogen generation for renewable electricity storage as a possible way to compensate for the long-term fluctuations of renewable energy, such as wind and solar power. Alternative hydrogen-generating technology and a lab-scale pilot prototype of the glow discharge electrolyzer will result from the research project proposed. In the future, using new hydrogen-generating technology for renewable electricity storage will lead to renewables having a greater share in overall generation capacity and will decrease greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, which is a global challenge.