CBI Pro-Akademia

Excellent Dried Food and Nuts
Development of improved food products (...)

Start date:2019-01-01
Completion date:2019-12-31
Project status:finished
Source of funding:European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Aim of the project:obtaining seeds and nuts (sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds) whose both sensory parameters (taste, smell, colour) and nurtritional ones will improve in comparison to the offer on the Polish market as well as international one.

About the project

Development of improved products with improved nutritional value as well as unconventional heat treatment of food materials

The main objectives of the project were as follows: 

a) development and implementation of significantly improved products: seeds and nuts with better nutritional features, 

b) development and implementation of new innovative technology of thermal treatment of seeds and nuts, 

c) development and implementation of a new marketing method for the marketing. 

To achieve the abovementioned objectives, the EIP Operational Group "Excellent Dried Food and Nuts" was established under a consortium agreement of July 27, 2017. 

The Group consisted of: 

• EIG Finanse sp. z o.o. – consulting company and consortium leader

• Research and Innovation Center Pro-Akademia – a research organisation 

• Bakalland SA – a large entrepreneur, the leader of the domestic dried fruit and nuts market.

The implementation of the operation was divided into two stages. 

Stage I consisted in carrying out development works on a semi-industrial and industrial scale for the technology of microwave roasting of raw materials (seeds, nuts) under conditions of significantly reduced pressure. The technology was developed during industrial research commissioned by JPR Finanse sp. z o.o. in the period from May to September 2016. The results, together with the license for the use of the utility model, submitted during this research, in the scope of: "Microwave reactor for roasting seeds" were purchased by the Consortium member of the Group - Bakalland SA. 

The obtained know-how required further work to determine the optimal parameters of the microwave roasting process under conditions of significantly reduced pressure (a constant value at the level of about 35-40 hPa) in relation to time, temperature and microwave power. Comparisons of raw materials subject to microwave roasting according to the developed solution, roasted conventionally and unroasted, were performed. Storage tests of microwave-roasted raw materials according to optimized parameters were also be carried out for samples stored for periods of varying length. In the end, a formula and principles for the preparation of at least 3 mixtures of the tested seeds and nuts most advantageous in terms of the content of selected fatty acids and sterols were developed. 

Stage I was implemented by RIC Pro-Akademia. 

Stage II of the project consisted in carrying out investments in the consortium's meber’s (Bakalland SA’s) production plant located in Janów Podlaski (Lubelskie Voivodeship). The existing plant infrastructure were supplemented with: 

• technological line for microwave and mixed roasting of seeds and nuts under conditions of significantly reduced pressure and packaging equipment, including equipment working in controlled atmosphere conditions, 

• a set of devices to control the quality of products. 

The selection of the most favourable parameters of the technological process in the field of microwave roasting under conditions of significantly reduced pressure and in the field of storage at the stage of development works combined with the creation of a dedicated technological line and constant quality control were the basic conditions for the implementation of new technology. 

The implementation of innovative processing technology as a result of the project resulted in obtaining seeds and nuts (sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds) whose both sensory parameters (taste, smell, colour) and nurtritional ones improved in comparison to the offer on the Polish market as well as international one. Roasting seeds with the microwave method allowed for obtaining palatability unattainable by conventional methods. Reduced pressure conditions a gentler process and prevents undesired oxidation and breakdown of active substances such as vitamins. In addition, due to volumetric heating with microwaves, one can obtain a product with increased volume due to very rapid evaporation of water, a so called puffing effect.




Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture

Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture




EIG Finanse Ltd.

EIG Finanse Ltd.

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