CBI Pro-Akademia

Engaging citizens in food diversity in cities

Start date:2021-09-01
Completion date:2024-04-30
Project status:finished
Scope of the project - Country:,
Aim of the project:to provide a novel evidence-based socio-technological framework of sustainable food production and consumption towards the sustainable smart city of the future

About the project


Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


SmartFood has received funding from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 and the state budget of Poland via the National Centre for Research and Development within "Applied Research" Programme. The project benefits from a € 1,364,249.99 grant from Norway as well as a € 240,750.00 grant from the state budget of Poland. The total project value is € 1,604,999.99. 


SmartFood integrated state of the art interdisciplinary research of urban food consumption and production, with a novel approach to co-creation of insect- and vege-based, nutritious foods, without using any soil or land, while exploiting the locally available rainwater and solar energy for all year long sustainable and safe food production in corridors of urban blocks of flats. SmartFood made a significant contribution towards fulfilling the long-term vision of cities of the future, where switching to sustainable food consumption and production patterns increases healthy eating habits, reduces reliance on food retailing, reduces food waste and strengthens communal connection in urban buildings. As outcome of these activities, home food production reduces environmental footprint by lowering greenhouse gas emissions for food production and transportation. Relative to the prior work on reduction of food waste and sustainable community development that primarily rely on self-reported survey measures which have low predictive reliability, we used state of the art controlled experiment that implemented actual sustainable food self-production facilities and measured real environmental, behavioral and attitudinal outcomes and therefore provided evidence-based policy recommendations.

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The experts

Iwona Adamkiewicz

Iwona Adamkiewicz

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Andżelika Drutowska

Andżelika Drutowska

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Łukasz Gontar

Łukasz Gontar

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Maksymilian Kochański

Maksymilian Kochański

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Katarzyna Korczak

Katarzyna Korczak

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Katarzyna Łopalewska

Katarzyna Łopalewska

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Rafał Majzer

Rafał Majzer

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Norway Grants

Norway Grants

Polish National Centre for Research and Development

Polish National Centre for Research and Development


BI Norwegian Business School

BI Norwegian Business School

Cracow University of Technology

Cracow University of Technology

Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Norwegian Institute for Air Research

The Maria Grzegorzewska University

The Maria Grzegorzewska University

Western Norway Research Institute

Western Norway Research Institute

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