CBI Pro-Akademia

Conducting R&D activities aimed for development of significantly improved fireplace inserts

Start date:2020-09-01
Completion date:2022-01-31
Project status:finished
Topic:Sustainable Energy, Circular and Low-Carbon Industry

About the project

In the Project, R&D activities were carried out which resulted in the development of significantly improved products: a series of seventeen fireplace inserts. R&D activities focused on introducing design changes that led to a reduction in the emission of pollutants, especially dust, and a reduction in the emission of organic gaseous compounds and nitrogen oxides. The results were achieved by designing a system for receiving energy from flue gas individually for each device in the form of a set of deflectors extending the path of the flue gases from the furnace to the outlet of the flue, and by designing a system of sealing the joint of glass panes without the use of intermediate sealing elements and bonding elements in devices with multi-sided glazing ensuring tightness on non-composite shafts. The aim  of the above actions was to increase the efficiency of the device and to raise the temperature in the furnace, which reduced exhaust emissions. The glazing sealing system ensured the tightness at the junction of the panes and thus limited the infiltration of uncontrolled air into the furnace, which allowed to increase the stability of the combustion process and reduce the low emission of exhaust gases. Both solutions led not only to the improvement of the device (improved efficiency), but also made it more ecological (mainly due to the reduction of exhaust and emissions). As a result of the project, the client (Dorako) acquired innovative products that have no counterparts on the market, which enabled the company to further develop both on the national and foreign markets.

The project was co-financed by the European Union under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020, sub-measure 2.3.2 "Vouchers for innovation for SMEs", co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The experts

Katarzyna Woźniak

Katarzyna Woźniak

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