CBI Pro-Akademia

Innovative solution for the frozen food industry using acoustic waves

Start date:2023-07-01
Completion date:2024-10-31
Project status:finished
Source of funding:European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Aim of the project:to develop and implement an innovative technology for freezing soft fruits supported by acoustic waves, allowing to obtain significantly improved raspberry and strawberry fruits, as well as a new method of organizing this process directly on the farm.

About the project

Expected results: 

  • Development and implementation of an innovation in a new technology for freezing soft fruits (raspberry and strawberry) using acoustic waves
  • Development and implementation of innovation for a significantly improved product (frozen raspberry and frozen strawberry)
  • Development and implementation of innovation in the field of significantly improved organization method for soft fruit production (raspberry and strawberry)

The objective of the project will be achieved through the cooperation of the SoundBerry Operational Group, formed by the company: Bio Berry Poland (Leader of the Operational Group), the research organisation: Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akadeima, IDFS company and 2 farms engaged in organic soft fruit cultivation. 

The research includes the development and testing of an innovative technology for freezing soft fruits, physicochemical tests, chromatographic tests, sensory, microbiological and storage tests of the new product, as well as the development of a method of organization regarding soft fruit production. The result of the project will be implemented in Poland.

The project is co-financed by the European Union under the "Cooperation" measure, covered by the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. Value of the grant: PLN 1,933,264

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas


Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture

Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture


Bio Berry Poland Ltd.

Bio Berry Poland Ltd.



Iwona Mnich Farm

Iwona Mnich Farm



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