CBI Pro-Akademia

Biomass to bio/E-methanol by Breakthrough SOEC-based Process: the BeBOP innovation

Start date:2024-10-01
Completion date:2028-09-30
Project status:in progress
Topic:Sustainable Energy
Scope of the project - Country:, , , , , ,
Aim of the project:to develop a novel versatile, disruptive, and multi-product biomass and power to methanol plant, that can transform the methanol industry

About the project


Methanol is a crucial commodity in the chemical sector and a potential building block of the future sustainable chemical industry. To date, the majority of methanol is produced from fossil fuels (either natural gas or coal) with associated CO2 emissions of 0.3 Gt/year (about 10% of total chemical sector emissions). Biomass is a sustainable alternative to conventional hydrocarbon feedstocks. However, due to its high carbon and oxygen content, conventional second-generation biomass-to-methanol processes achieve 40-45% of carbon efficiency and result in venting most of the carbon back to the atmosphere as CO2.


Project aims:

BeBOP is a 4-year project that aims to develop a novel versatile, disruptive, and multi-product biomass and power to methanol plant, that can transform the methanol industry. Thanks to the integration of an electrolysis cell within the syngas conditioning line, the BeBOP concept can double the methanol productivity ans achieve >95% of total carbon efficiency and recover high value components from biomass gasification residues. The BeBOP project will showcase a first-of-a-kind TRL6 pilot plant ready to be scaled-up and replicated by the European biomass-based industry.


Expected impact:

BeBOP will enhance market opportunities in the short to medium term bringing the methanol production costs below 250 €/t (with long-term low-cost renewable electricity and including 150 €/tCO2 carbon credits) and shifting the 10% of the production from fossil-based to BeBOP configuration allowing to avoid the emission of more than 30 Mt of CO2 per year (3% of CO2 emissions in chemical industry). Preserving the quality of the end product at competitive costs, decreasing the GHG emissions, decreasing the costs of methanol production and creating new direct and indirect jobs, BeBOP will have a decisive impact in increasing the circularity of the European chemical sector.


Role of RIC Pro-Akademia:

RIC Pro-Akademia will develop new methods for the recovery of valuable elements (including heavy metals) from the solid residues of the gasification process, an important contribution to the transformation towards a circular economy and the reduction of the environmental impact of industrial processes.


More information:
Please visit the project website on the CORDIS platform: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101178117.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The experts

Sergii Bespalko

Sergii Bespalko

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Justyna Markiewicz

Justyna Markiewicz

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Marcin Siedlecki

Marcin Siedlecki

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European Commission

European Commission


ECODESIGN company engineering & management consultancy GmbH

ECODESIGN company engineering & management consultancy GmbH



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French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks

French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks



LUT University

LUT University

Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano

UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

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