RIC's researchers will create a novel non-alcoholic gruit beer
Scientists from RIC Pro-Akademia have started a new R&D project aimed at creating an innovative non-alcoholic gruit-type beer with unique nutritional and sensory properties. more
How new societal trends impact energy demand?
We kicked-off a new Horizon 2020 project more
Reach-out with your project results ONLINE – KETBIO offers the platform
The KETBIO Online Marketplace gives you the opportunity to disseminate your project online more
Towards scientific excellence and global impact
The March meeting of the Scientific Board and Editorial Board of Acta Innovations, published by RIC Pro-Akademia since 2011, initiated a new stage in the development of our journal. more
KETBIO Online Marketplace
Join KETBIO Online Marketplace on 19 February 2020 - a new virtual event format dedicated to biotech community more
We strengthen nZEB industry
On February 1, we started the SMART4NZEB project, addressed to companies from the renewable energy and energy-saving construction industries more