CBI Pro-Akademia


Zero-emission inland transport already in Kaszuby


The RIC Pro-Akademia innovation has been positively tested and is now available for tourists interested in ecological transport on Lake Wdzydze in Kaszuby region! more

European Researchers’ Night in Olsztyn


On the 29th of September, 2017, our colleagues, Lidia Natalia Trusilewicz and Karina Michalska participated in the European Researchers’ Night (#fusion2night). more

RIC Pro-Akademia among members of Polish Green Building Council


RIC Pro-Akademia joined the Polish Green Building Council. more

Second meeting of Acta Innovations Scientific Council


On 22nd September 2017, the second meeting of Acta Innovations Scientific Council, an English-language scientific quarterly issued by RIC Pro-Akademia, took place. more

Pro-Akademia is working on the project "High-performance carbonate fuel cells"


Pro-Akademia, together with its partners is working on the project "High-performance carbonate fuel cells" more

European Committee of the Regions Knowledge Exchange Platform at RIC Pro-Akademia


On 07.07.2017, at our headquarters in Konstantynow Lodzki, we had the pleasure of being the host of the conference: "RES technologies in the Lodz Region: the role of local and regional authorities and support for research and innovation by the EU " more
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